
Normand J. Audie

My name is Chris Lachance and I am sending this e-mail on the behalf of the Normand J. Audie benefit ride. My associates and I are planning the 2nd annual ride for August 18th which is going to be a motorcycle show, barbecue, and is also going to have live music. Normand died labor day weekend in Saco Maine when a drunk driver cut him off coming the opposite way. Norm was only 21 years old who had all ready touched so many peoples lives. When he passed away on September 1st his family and friends came out with so much support that we organized a ride in two weeks. We had about 150 motorcycles with 8 motorcycle cops and for 2 hours not one person had to put their feet down. The head bike cop actually bet us his pay check that we wouldn’t put our feet down. My mother got one of your cards from bike week down in Laconia and said i should get ahold of your association to see if you would be interested in setting up a booth or putting a bike or two into the bike show or even better if you could just get some people to show up for the ride. I’m not exactly sure how you guys work or what you can even do so if you are interested please just send me some information on what you can do and what we need to do on our side. I look forward to talking to you and working with you in the future. Thank you.