
Eric F Maron (Ric)

He was born on 2/8/1966 and died 9/8/09, he was an amazing husband, father and my best friend, we always came first and then his passion for his bike, he had just finished building this bike that he was killed on and he was very proud of it, it was his first build. He was already planning his second build. He was an auto mechanic for 20 years at the same location and very well respected in his community. That is how he got killed on his way to work at 7:22am and the monster that killed him was almost 3 times the legal limit and he hit Ric from behind and dragged him 180-200ft before he stopped. The guy also had an 8 year child in the car (taking her to school) and then he fled the scene with the child, their were many witnesses. I have chosen not to read the crash report, by the lead investigators recommendation who was my husbands friend for over 10 years. Also come to find out after the arrest that he had warrants out for his arrest in Maryland for DUI causing bodily injury and now he has done it again and killed this time!!!